Thursday, 14 September 2017

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7.    Bitcoin sign up – you need an account if you are going to start receiving Bitcoins. When this link opens, click on the  bigger blue banner that you see on the page – you would know you clicked the correct one when you see the name that begins with the letter E – this is your Sponsors Name. The Account you open here would not contain any Bitcoin . You can start filling it with Bitcoin from the Links that you would find here.
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I have spent it suffering. It irritates me when people try acting like my suffering does not exist or like my suffering does not count. My broken finger digits, the diastemas in my mouth, my scars. It irritates me when I see people envy me. They should try suffering as I have suffered.  People should go through what I have been through. Then try have someone say it is normal. To suffer as I have suffered.

There are many men in the world who have not suffered as I have suffered as a black female. Some excuse, some explanation . People could try wishing my sufferings away with just one wave of the hand. I bear the scars. I know what I have been through and it is irritating to see just how self-centered and selfish some human beings can be.

Go through what I have been through especially in the six years before today before you get so sure about the opinions you have. The opinion you have about me. People are very quick to get jealous and envious of successful people. You need to know what was suffered in the process. People are so quick to sabotage good things.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Is this true ? As an online marketer have you been getting good reward for your effort ? Could one of the serious reasons you have nothing to show for your labour , be that certain unscrupulous human beings are stealing from you ?

Try out these links below. You could register and quit labouring into the wind.
Start getting reward for your toil.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Square pegs fit in square spaces and not round ones. Everything in the world has a place where it belongs. Everything in the world has a good place where it belongs besides the trash can where narrow-minded people tend to throw things that they find difficult to comprehend.

Besides the Trash Can of life it is very vital to know where you would always be welcome and to stop wasting your precious time with those who think less of you . Or those who only see you as a Beast of Burden.

You can not fit a square peg in a round hole. Well , there be times when I know I would have to get on the dating scene and these are the five men I would never ever date . Reasons are personal. These are the men I would never be able to fit in with. I know. Sometimes you know when a venture would fail. You know when you are wasting time. Or rather whiling it away like a Carpenter whittles wood away chip by chip.
Also, there are people whose time I would not want to waste. Men who think they stand a chance with a girl like me. In all fairness, they are the reasons for this write-up.

1.A POLYGAMIST :  I would never marry a Polygamist. A man who has a wife already has eaten his cake. He cannot have it again with me.

2.A MUSLIM :  My religion is Christianity and they are both like roads that can never meet. Christians accepted JESUS Christ , Muslims do not.

3.A SMOKER :  If I did  I would be having miscarriages even if I got pregnant by mistake.

4.A DRUNKARD : He would be hitting me like a punching bag.

5.A HOMELESS MAN : Where shall we house Children ?

Are you a suitor and with the intention of proposing ? If you fit into any of the above five categories of men, hold your peace and do not waste your time. We may do business together. It can never go beyond that. Thanks for comprehending.

Sunday, 10 September 2017


Clueless there I was. Around and farther than about. Something that was pure waved not just to me  Near,  in a benign way and yet without intrusion. Wider than the wings of Eagles it lifted.  Mightier than Kilimanjaro it stood. Near, very near. Right there in my soul and yet I almost touched it. I can touch it again. Again and again.

To me, I knew nothing and yet there was plenty. I never knew it existed, I thought it did, then I went and continued with business. I called it a whim . Nah, can something so good exist ? In the real world ? And then furthermore the business of the day occupied me.

 The one that stood in the gap had life . Life in the whim did stand and something stood like the whim. In the likeness of 206 connected bones. I still called it a whim until I saw 206 bones fly together filled with life and mission that came to my rescue.

A flight that made cold coal smoulder . Smouldering without ashing.  You took the swoops and turns, you did the sommersaults that lit my senses.  Coal sublimed to Diamond in favour of that effort . Over and over, over and over, over and over. Perhaps you almost stopped. That one extra swoop and turn did it. The extra one you did for me.

 Now, I hold my mind lapels in wonder. I need an extra Jacket. The one extra you did for labour, sweat, toil for me, heaven thought you would not do it.

You did and made it and heaven moved. When heaven moved I knew. It took heaven to tell me. Heaven did and my marvel keeps mounting. Heaven is far from Planet Earth. Ask the Stratosphere. Who would care Heaven asked ?Not in that portion of the Milky Way Galaxy where Angels have fallen.  Who would dare ? Who would dare help ?

When you took flight heaven was first speechless. Heaven stood even with a lack of applause. What happeneth on the moment ? Your labour was termed unique – You may not know – how worthy your labour. Very Worthy it was when I counted and Heaven Moved In Awe.

Arise weary one, for though I may not understand your toil, heaven knew and moved for you.

N.B  ( Nothing X-rated In this. Thanks for your comprehension -This is all holy . )

Monday, 4 September 2017


Satoshi Nakamoto is not a Software. It is not a credit company or credit rating outfit. This name is synonymous with Bitcoin. And if you do not have Bitcoin, you can see here if you would like this type of currency. What is not to like about it ?
There is an ultimate advantage to Bitcoin, it is regulated by the people on the Network meaning you are regarded as a Valuable member. It is not governed by any Institution. Beleive me that singular advantage gives Bitcoin its growing popularity. Your institutions go on holidays and are subject to the whims and caprices of those in charge of it. Bitcoin is not subject to the whims and caprices of anyone. You are your own institution with Bitcoin. Is it not time you got out of slavery ?
How does it feel to labour tirelessly and endlessly, then to give the reward of your labour to institutions that penalize you for patronising them ? That is slavery . Modern Day Slavery because the effect of it is that you end up looking like someone who never did a stitch of work before. What is even worse is that without money how can your needs be met ? If you are labouring, you can start getting dividends on every investment you make. You can be sure to get your reward on time with Bitcoin.
The only way you get Bitcoin nowadays is by buying it with United States Dollar or the currency of your Country of Nationality. For the duration of this Month through until Next, there is an opportunity for the first 5000 Persons to get Bitcoin into their Wallets. Where ? Here on this very Page. Begin by clicking on the Banners. After 5000 Persons, we would present another Kettle Of Fish.
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It means that joining gives you the priviledge of getting your own referrals. Getting referrals is something that many people experience great difficulty with. Particularly  those from Africa and Europe.
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You are required to log into your Freebitcoin Account at least once every 24 hours. This is a guaranteed way of helping me to get you the required assist you need for your own team.  Now, you have no reason to be broke.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Love Is Not Destruction
You would know it is love when you are better everytime with time. Destruction is not love and love is not destruction. What destroys you has no love in capacity for you. There are many versions of the real thing in the world today. There are multitudes that have never had the real thing . These are the ones that would be given counter-feit and would not know. These are the ones getting run-down and thinking that things would get better with time. If there be no true love from the beginning , what can the righteous do ?
So many do not know that true love doth exist and it can be had. Yet, there be many who had found true love and lost true love because they never knew what it was or that it existed. For reason that they never knew the ID of true love.  When it happened to them, they had it in the trash can  and someone else picked it up. You would not find treasure in the Trash on a normal day. But only someone that knows what true love is could find and pick from where no one would ever go asearching.
The point is this, true Love is the nectar of Heaven. 
Love is for the Wise and Strong. The Weak find it easy to resort to hatred. Who loves you ? The big question many a girl is not asking before marriage.  Who loves you is not someone who would be trying to kill you . It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Why ? You learn how to wait for the right partner. 5 years with the wrong person is like 25 years in the wilderness.
The only thing like real love is wine, these are the only things in the World-inanimate that get better with time. There be no thing on Earth perfect as love. You may be clueless, everyone was born that way - clueless-but you should know that love should not bring you down. You may not be able to comprehend it , yet you should know that love should not give you grief.  Burdens are for slaves, love is not something that burdens you.
Someone who loves you can really see you. Really Really see you . For who you are. Not what others say you are. That person beyond an Identity. You do not require an Identity with a person who truly loves you. Love is not destruction – the very thing that gives many their insecurities. The very thing that takes worth away from you is not love. It is the counter-feit version of love. The one that spends you like money until you are finished.
If you have never had love in your life, how can you know it when you find it ?
There are many versions of love. So many content with the fake versions. Infact, so many are living with the fake version as the real thing and to them nothing better exists. It is not love that destroys you. It is not love that wrecks you. It is not love that attacks you. It is not love that brings you down. It is not love that oppresses you. It is not love that yokes you. It is not love that wastes you. It is not love that breaks you. It is not love that shames you. It is not love that ruins you. It is not love that shackles you. It is not love that tries to kill you.
Love is an abstract personality. That was given this Title . An eminent personality that people can meet. At times some make just an acquaintance of it and forget it soon . Some befriend it. Others live with it for life.  Many exist that have never heard of it. Many there be that do not know that they can have the priviledge of living with this Abstract personality.
If there be no true love from the begininning, what can the Righteous do ? For this thing called love is at times like character. You cannot learn it. You can learn a Profession. Love could be called a Divine Gift.
It looks like it and shines like it- what makes a being loose value is not love. The fake version of the real thing makes the real version sometimes plain.  There be agreements . An agreement and love are not the same. People enter into an agreement for varying reasons.  If you want to be used like an inanimate object, at least have it at the back of your mind that those using you are not loving you.
Love is not destruction. Destruction is a process taking something to level zero. This process however long it may take still has the same result. Whatever has been destroyed needing to be put back in shape for destruction puts the affected out of sync. Be it with the world or a system. There are those with the noble intention to love but walk in ignorance. There are those with neither love nor ignorance- these are the ones with a solid pact with the devil. You owe it to yourself to know the ones you have met  and the ones you would be meeting.
Who have you met ? Someone with a capacity for love ? Someone ignorant ? Someone who has signed a pact with satan ? There is a way those who have no love for you can offer you counter-feit as the real love ? How ?

Friday, 18 August 2017

                             HOW AWESOME IS GOD 
Find out HERE .  See you around. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2017


All coming in different coloured feathers. At times very pretty looking plumes –hath that Chicken but sadly enough wait until you see its mate and how its mate treats it. The Cockerel its mate is a Cassanova. No word mincing here. We are not talking Cassava. We are talking about that bloody hopeless Male Ave that goes around climbing everything with a vacant circumference.

Foolish Chicken if it were sensible it would have been an Eagle. But no, it sat thinking it had a Pardner when in the real world it had problems. How can a Chicken think it has a mate ? Where is the house address of a chicken ? None . Yet it keeps calling a creature that is very irresponsible its mate.
I call it hopeless. The Chicken Palaver. The Chicken has to Roam because the Male Ave is of greater useless value than an empty Barrel. An Empty Barrel has a better future. Because one day it could get filled with something useful. That Male version of the Chicken is very useful for only one thing in the whole world- Insemination of anything on two legs.

While the female Eagle is having offsprings, the Male Eagle is always present. Not the situation with the other half of the Chicken. The most insensitive male partner on the planet is the Cockerel.
What should we tell every Chicken on the Planet ? Grow some wings and learn to Fly. Better Partners are in the Air. The Eagle is also an Ave, just not like its counterpart the Cockerel. The Eagle has a Home and it sure knows how to Fly. Its mate is not looking down all the time , the mate of an Eagle looks up ALWAYS.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

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Students Like Benefits and Freebies. Here is something for summer 2017. I know you would like this. This Admin is very fabulous and is about good business. What to do is click on the banner and be part of this. You would not find something like this everywhere.

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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

              Poverty -The Worst Form Of Violence

There are poor people in the world. Some other people  made them poor and in doing so were the most violent as  human beings  could possibly be with the ones affected. When we talk poverty the first thing you would consider is money. Money answereth all things. The only  thing in the world that Money cannot buy is LOVE. Money can buy you Loyalty. Money can buy you the comforts of life. Money doth indeed answer all things. Someone without money can be said to be undergoing a form of torment that can only be explained by those being carted to Jail for an offense that they never commited. When you are at a Shopping Mall without Money, the best you can do is WINDOW-SHOP. Something larger than the glass window between you and what is needed. Poverty can transpire on the same grounds as Violence. After a Trashing, the Trashed is really like Trash to those who Trashed the affected. Trashing does exist in a physical manner, the Trashing of affected persons to the point of Poverty or Destitution is an extremely malevolent version of the physical trashing that takes place in places still in darkness.
Is Poverty really the worst form of Violence ? Let us look at the conditions of the Poor and Rich in terms of Money. The Three Basic Human Needs on the Planet are Food, Clothing and Shelter. All three are many a time only acquireable with the possession of Money .  When Money is unavailable, and things like Food, Clothes and Shelter prove difficult to have due  poor financial situations, Hunger sets in. The Digestive Juices from Oesophagus to Stomach would likely be acting on the Stomach lining, In Cold Regions of the World, Bronchitis or Pneumonia reach the poor quickest ; Without Shelter, so many other unexplainable things set in. None of which is easy going. While a physical Trashing would have been to the detriment of skin tissues, and nerves ; Poverty Trashes the Body, Soul and Mind of the Affected. It takes longer to recover from Poverty than it does take to recover from a Physical Trashing or Violent Beating.  The opposite of Poverty is Wealth. The Absence  of Wealth is Poverty. Violence is a type of communication that is greater in force than the surface area per time T. Or rather Violence is the absence of meaningful communication . Violence has got magnitude. From Mild to domestic to extreme Violence.  Physical Violence in the form of Kicks, Blows, Slaps, and worst of them all is Poverty.
The duration of any of these forms could determine the negative effect of it on whoever is on the receiving end of it. The effect of physical Violence is always Visible and possible to measure. What is most difficult to quantify is the overall abstract effect of Poverty on those living in it.

Poverty is really the worst form of Violence on Earth. 

Tuesday, 25 July 2017


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Tuesday, 18 July 2017


Hello, you said you love who ? The man who would not even acknowledge me as your biological  Father ? The one giving me probems just so I have difficulties making your life better ? My Daughter you know not the Monster that resides in very many men. You are a sweet darling babe. The Angels of God know better. Yet some preferred to become mortal in ancient times even for the sake of female homosapiens. If I your Father were a true bonafide Monster like they say, at least you grew up to become the woman that you are today all thanks to your Sire. Let us not even begin with the serious labour of your mother upon you. We toiled and worked very hard to make you who you are today. They said they love you and are very willing to deny your past. It is cheaper for them. And speaks volume. They showed you your worth.
My dear Daughter, it is about appreciation. How could he love you, if he never bothered to ask your hand in Marriage ? Did you fall from the sky ? You may think you have not have the best of Fathers in the world. Yet, this one you have, although not so perfect in all the inperfect ways has not denied you Formal Education. If you went to them untaught and Illiterate, would they have given you any tutoring ?
It is no pleasure to see how backward you have turned. I lifted you up, they ran you down. You said you love who ? Every Labourer deserves his wages. My Daughter if you were Labour, where are my wages ?  For it was not an easy feat . There were those who preferred I never provided you with even Secondary School Education. Primary School education is all they wanted you to have. Right there where you are, have they done better than I did ? You said you love who ?
The man who says he married you, stole you. I performed no marriage ceremony. There was no Engagement. No Family Introduction. I know not his family. He cared not about your Family History. My Daughter, hello hello hello , I can hear you who did you say you love ? If you mean anything to the people who claim to be familiar with you , why have you not been able to do much since you got to them ? Love is not captivity. It liberates.
Understand this very well, you are worth what I am worth to them. No more , no less. They appreciate you in the same manner that they appreciate me. It is painful that you thought you could be appreciated better than I am. You are my seed. If they appreciate not the Tree, how could they appreciate the fruits they found on it ?
You are still single UNTIL AFTER A PROPER WEDDING . A wedding is done after there has been Introduction between the families of the Bachelor and Spinster. This is something that every Bride-to-be recalls in a Matrimonial Home. After family Introduction, then if that proves successful because it sometimes ends there. If  Family Introduction is Successful then there is the Engagement of the Bride-To-Be by the Groom. After this Engagement, then there is a date fixed for the Wedding. This Wedding day, some Brides have been known to have Layed Cakes, prepared Meals for guest who are to be SOCIAL WITNESSES to a Marriage Ceremony Taking place. This is something you would not mistake for a Disco Party or Barzar. If it is actually you getting married, you would know and BE REALLY PRESENT TO THIS FACT.
I YOUR BIOLOGICAL FATHER is the one who is meant to give your Hand in Marriage to my future Son-In-Law not the other way round. He cannot truly love you if he overrides this part of your being together in HOLY MATRIMONY. If I were a Beast, he would only approach me if you were worth his being scared shitless. It is a thief that enters a house through the window or roof and not through the Door . If his intentions are HONOURABLE, your Father would be the first person he would like to be in the know.

Again my Daughter, hello hello hello , you said you love who ?

Thursday, 6 July 2017

N .B This post of 6th July, 2017 is  a neutral one and not intended to address  one particular person. The topic I addressed affects no less than seven million females world-wide. It takes more than one person to afflict different females in different locations accross the globe. Females have done nothing to stop the trend. Some have instead encourage dit.  It is a post that is not intended to tarnish anyones image. There should be no deliberate intent to put to negative use the topic addressed. Only persons with cruel intent would apportion the blame of a multitude to one single or just a few human beings. Thanks for not misconstruing things. 

Female Genital Mutilation exists in the areas shown in gray but is most of the times done discreetly based on timing. The Map says it is not concentrated. It does not say that it does not exist.


From  the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings has God ordained strength. No new born baby comes into the world smiling. It is amidst bawling for the infant although clueless still seems to think that the World may not be as comfy as its Mothers Womb. To the New Born Infant, God still had to send it and it is worrisome that abortion exists. Every Soul was born for a reason. Every human being was born for a divine reason.
At the point of abortion, some souls are denied entry into the world. Something that God rewards in very-very strange ways. Ways that only the very Old can understand. Heaven promised something to the Nation that forgets its Maker. Lame-old-lame-old topic ? Let us continue.
The world is a global village now. Thanks to Civilization. Yet, there is something that makes the Global village actually larger in space than the Milky Way Galaxy – Ethnic Culture and Tradition which varies from  place to place and defines human existence way beyond Globalization. Ethnic Tradition determines how wide or narrow the Gulf is in places where there is thought to be a co-existence of diverse cultural groups.
Human Beings are ones who have a Culture. Animals have none. In all  Cultures – diverse  -that exist in the World, are ways that some people PREFER to do things. Now, in the name of Freedom, each human being is actually entitled to interact with others as the individual deems fit. Some do it in a good way. Others do it in a bad way. What this means is that there are actually certain cultures and traditions that ought not to exist. There are actually certain human practices that should have been forgotten with the STONE AGE that preceded HUMAN CIVILIZATION.
Traditions and certain ways of life are actually passed on from one generation to another for continuity.  The situation of a demographic area in the STONE AGE and the situation of that same demographic area in the 21st Century can be summed up in the Present Diversity of International Phone Dial Codes.
If  the place is L and the Cutural trends there are C&S&Q, Add the value of L to C,S and Q. Then multiply the OutCome with the Demographic Population of People practising the affected Tradition. The value Obtained should be divided by  Z which is a sum total of all the Cultures practiced in the World. Compare this result with the Value Of the International Phone Code for any location and you see that God Cannot Be Mocked. Whatsoever a Man soweth, He Reaps.
As can be seen in this equation
OUTCOME * Number Of People Practicing The Tradition=OUTCOME2
Truly , Righteousness is what exalts a Nation. PLACES FILLED WITH WAILING SOULS AND UNJUSTIFIED PAIN ARE PLACES THAT HAVE FOUND IT THE MOST DIFFICULT TO ADVANCE. Can we then say that those places with less unjustified pain have made better progress in the World ?  SURE. 
Demographic Population Pain for an Area is also inversely proportional MATHEMATICALLY,
The Quantity of Unjustified Demographic Population Pain In any given location is inversely proportional to the level of Adancement  such a place can make. The Quantity of Unjustified  Demographic Population Pain for an Area is also inversely proportional to the International Phone Dial Code for the affected area.     

It is often time something persons are born into. Something that picks people by virtue of birth-place and very many are unable to find a wide variety to pick from. If it is a good way of life and very many acept it, life goes on. If it is a culture that is harmful to well-being and many believe in it, the outcome is to be expected and when a populace is so encumbered it, tradition could have been said to have added to Demographic Population Pain.
What is culture ? It is a way of life. A way of doing things. One example we would be considering is                        
                              FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION
There are many names for the ACT of Female Genital Mutilation . Names that differ from ethnic group to ethnic group . Usually spoken among elderly Women in Africa in slangs that only Victims of the procedure can understand. Non-Victims are usually not in the know until they pass through it.
Victims are the only ones that can best describe the Pain and Feeling that accompanies Female Genital Mutilation – Words are never enough.  It would be deceitful to state that there is any Country in the World where this practice is not in effect. What  would be true is that the number of people who support and actually request that this procedure be carried out on young girls and Female BabyBoomers, Female Homosapiens , differs from place to place.
The fact to be considered here is that very little advancement takes place in places that have been known to support and carry out Female Genital Mutilation. FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION is a way of life certain places and progress in such places is virtually non-existent compared with parts of the World where the sinistre meaning is clearly understood and unacceptable.
Anaesthesia is never sufficient when the procedure is carried out in Hospitals. Many Victims pass out and remain in Coma for days. Telling of a degree of Pain. When this pain takes on a Demographic Value, certain Redundancies become better understood. This is a Culture some get Ostracised for not accepting.

Female Genital Mutilation is one of such dark traditions that plague Africa and Certain parts of the World.  Comparing the value of International Phone Dial Codes for places where Female Genital Mutilation is practised with places where it is not, THE DIFFERENCE IS CLEAR. The Spiritual Mathematics here should be clear to those who think that there is no GOD above

Tuesday, 4 July 2017



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                      CAT OR DOG
Fling the Dog a bone and it would jump up in the air. Delighted. Genuinely delighted. That is why Cats hate it. Cats are getting the real thing and cool  as Cucumbers. Dogs are however always too grateful. Grateful even for nothing. And for all their pain they are getting just Bones. Where did the Meat go ? Where did the best go ? The patient Dog always getting the fattest bone.  I do not believe it. The patient Dog maybe getting  the fattest bone but a Bone is a Bone and a Dog is a Dog.  The Dog Days are days of little or no reward. The Cat days are days of just reward. ADD THE JUST FROM JUSTICE, we get the feeling of FAIRNESS. What is reward to a Dog is insolence to a Cat.
Cats cannot be kept by poor people. Infact if you gave a Cat to a poor person, it would take a Miracle for it to live very long and only a foolish Cat would not hit the Streets like a Maniac. That is in the event that some twisted hand of fate landed it in the quarters of the Poor. For when a Cat remains long in poverty stricken places, it could miss a portion of the ear on certain days. Could miss its tail on the days of Violent Rendevous. Of course nobody is ever going to fix that back. Tail or Ear whichever one it missed.

The miracle of Gentle Dogs can be found when you give a Dog to the Rich. Try explaining it to a Dog that poverty is not the worst  form of Violence. All that Barking .  Actually the Barking is for survival.  But Dogs upon all that Canny ability it has would end up with people that abuse it. Now, if by some stroke of kind fate, it ends up with the Rich, then it becomes the best friend you could ever have. For there is something a Dog can give that a Cat can never give in a Million years – Loyalty.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

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