Friday, 18 August 2017

                             HOW AWESOME IS GOD 
Find out HERE .  See you around. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2017


All coming in different coloured feathers. At times very pretty looking plumes –hath that Chicken but sadly enough wait until you see its mate and how its mate treats it. The Cockerel its mate is a Cassanova. No word mincing here. We are not talking Cassava. We are talking about that bloody hopeless Male Ave that goes around climbing everything with a vacant circumference.

Foolish Chicken if it were sensible it would have been an Eagle. But no, it sat thinking it had a Pardner when in the real world it had problems. How can a Chicken think it has a mate ? Where is the house address of a chicken ? None . Yet it keeps calling a creature that is very irresponsible its mate.
I call it hopeless. The Chicken Palaver. The Chicken has to Roam because the Male Ave is of greater useless value than an empty Barrel. An Empty Barrel has a better future. Because one day it could get filled with something useful. That Male version of the Chicken is very useful for only one thing in the whole world- Insemination of anything on two legs.

While the female Eagle is having offsprings, the Male Eagle is always present. Not the situation with the other half of the Chicken. The most insensitive male partner on the planet is the Cockerel.
What should we tell every Chicken on the Planet ? Grow some wings and learn to Fly. Better Partners are in the Air. The Eagle is also an Ave, just not like its counterpart the Cockerel. The Eagle has a Home and it sure knows how to Fly. Its mate is not looking down all the time , the mate of an Eagle looks up ALWAYS.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Create your own banner at!

Students Like Benefits and Freebies. Here is something for summer 2017. I know you would like this. This Admin is very fabulous and is about good business. What to do is click on the banner and be part of this. You would not find something like this everywhere.

Create your own banner at! Banner

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

              Poverty -The Worst Form Of Violence

There are poor people in the world. Some other people  made them poor and in doing so were the most violent as  human beings  could possibly be with the ones affected. When we talk poverty the first thing you would consider is money. Money answereth all things. The only  thing in the world that Money cannot buy is LOVE. Money can buy you Loyalty. Money can buy you the comforts of life. Money doth indeed answer all things. Someone without money can be said to be undergoing a form of torment that can only be explained by those being carted to Jail for an offense that they never commited. When you are at a Shopping Mall without Money, the best you can do is WINDOW-SHOP. Something larger than the glass window between you and what is needed. Poverty can transpire on the same grounds as Violence. After a Trashing, the Trashed is really like Trash to those who Trashed the affected. Trashing does exist in a physical manner, the Trashing of affected persons to the point of Poverty or Destitution is an extremely malevolent version of the physical trashing that takes place in places still in darkness.
Is Poverty really the worst form of Violence ? Let us look at the conditions of the Poor and Rich in terms of Money. The Three Basic Human Needs on the Planet are Food, Clothing and Shelter. All three are many a time only acquireable with the possession of Money .  When Money is unavailable, and things like Food, Clothes and Shelter prove difficult to have due  poor financial situations, Hunger sets in. The Digestive Juices from Oesophagus to Stomach would likely be acting on the Stomach lining, In Cold Regions of the World, Bronchitis or Pneumonia reach the poor quickest ; Without Shelter, so many other unexplainable things set in. None of which is easy going. While a physical Trashing would have been to the detriment of skin tissues, and nerves ; Poverty Trashes the Body, Soul and Mind of the Affected. It takes longer to recover from Poverty than it does take to recover from a Physical Trashing or Violent Beating.  The opposite of Poverty is Wealth. The Absence  of Wealth is Poverty. Violence is a type of communication that is greater in force than the surface area per time T. Or rather Violence is the absence of meaningful communication . Violence has got magnitude. From Mild to domestic to extreme Violence.  Physical Violence in the form of Kicks, Blows, Slaps, and worst of them all is Poverty.
The duration of any of these forms could determine the negative effect of it on whoever is on the receiving end of it. The effect of physical Violence is always Visible and possible to measure. What is most difficult to quantify is the overall abstract effect of Poverty on those living in it.

Poverty is really the worst form of Violence on Earth.